The Model / IMPROVE

Health care is provided in multiple and variegated ways in Italy, so the patient’s access to the drug is almost never straightforward and obstacle-free. This also limits the possibility for companies to effectively vehicle the product’s Value Story.

Understanding what the actual  Patient Journey is for a given illness, identifying the physical, logical and emotional constraints that hinder full and quick access to the drug, can make the difference between up take and competitive advantage.

Using an innovative approach, we verify the actual journey made by the patient in the health system identifying the critical points which generate economic losses and emotional and psychological blocks which can affect the patient. We design, develop and facilitate the implementation of public-private partnership projects untying the identified knots with a transparent and effective win-win logic.

Key activities:

Preliminary investigations

Qualitative investigations of patients in collaboration with representative associations of the same

Development of studies and analysis

Photography of the actual Patient Journey within the health system with identification of the high-impact decision-making moments for the drug or the device and analysis of key elements which affect the decision

Patient Journey Validation

Focus group with patients and patient associations to validate the Patient Journey

Creation of ethical projects

Development of public-private ethical projects in order to improve assistance to treatments generating positive economic impacts for the system and faster access to the drug or device for the patient

Business Plan Development

Supporting the development of the Product Business plan through the application of a method which facilitates cross-functional integration and generation of projects to satisfy the needs of patient-clinician-payer

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